- LWIR Lens
- manual focus
- customized infrared optics
- Low Reflectance HC (LRHC)
- germanium window
- GLM 19 19mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- Infrared Lens Eyepiece
- Eyepiece
- Focal Length 14mm
- FIxed Athermalized IR lens
- Enhanced Vision
- infrared hunting optics
- DLC coating
- GLA 60mm 60 f1.0 f/1.0 1.0
- Fixed Athermalized LWIR Lens
- infrared optical lens
- Thermal Imaging Body Temperature Screening
- GLA 50 50mm f/1.2 f1.2 1.2
- Athermalized focus
- High definition infrared lens
- GLA 20 20mm f1.01.0 f/1.0
- Thermal Imaging Lenses
- Custom lens
- lens assembly
- GLA 15 15mm f/0.8 f0.8 0.8 GLA1508A
- Fixed LWIR Lens
- Custom ir optics and Mechanical Design Services
- Security & Surveillance
- GLA 60 60mm 1.0 f1.0 f/1.0
- LWIR Manual Focus Lens
- Infrared Optical Components
- ir lens glass
- professional thermal imaging camera
- GLM 50 50mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- thermal optics
- Magnification 18× 18 Eye Relief 16mm 16
- Focal Length 14mm 14
- Magnification 7× 7 Eye Relief 20mm 20
- Focal Length 35mm 35
- lwir lens for uncooled camera
- GLA 6mm 6 f/1.25 f1.25 1.25
- LWIR Zoom lens
- Continuous Zoom LWIR Lens
- ir zoom lens
- Auto focus infrared lens
- GCZ25 f1.2-1.6 25mm-105mm GCZ25-10516FD
- ge lens(germanium lens)
- GLA13 13mm 13 f/1.0 1.0 GLA1310K
- GLA13 13mm 13 f/1.0 f1.0 GLA1310Z
- thermal imaging lens
- GLA 75 75mm 1.1 f1.1 f/1.1
- GLA05710 5.7 5.7mm 1.0 f1.0 f/1.0 GLA05710SA
- Manual focus lwir lens
- ir lens supplier
- GLM 5.3 5.3mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- Network HD Thermal Imaging Cores
- IP Infrared Thermal Cmaera Module
- 1280*1024 12um Thermal Camera Module
- 1280, 1024, 12, 12um, HD, IP, Network, Modules
- GLA 13mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0 13
- Manual LWIR Lens
- Manual focus ir lens
- GLM 19 19mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- 300mm ir zoom lens
- low temperature
- GCZ1030 30mm-300mm f/1.35 GCZ1030135KD
- Enhanced Vision ir lens
- Infrared IR Optics
- GLA 75 75mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- infrared optical coating
- GLA19 1910 19 10 GLA f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- GLA 13 13mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- Optical Athermalized Infrared Lens
- f1.0 GLA 50mm
- thermal infrared lens
- GLA 4.3 4.3mm f/1.2 1.2 f1.2
- GLM 35 35mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- 1-FOV
- GLA 13.4 13.4mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- GLM 20 20mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- Dual-FOV LWIR Optical Lens
- 120mm M-FOV LWIR Lens
- GLD40 40mm 120mm f 1.2/0.9 GLD40N120 GLD40N
- Infrared Optics
- GLA 100 100mm f/1.2 f1.2 1.2
- GLA 45 45mm f/1.2 f1.2 1.2
- GLM 50 50mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- Laser Ranger Finder
- Thermal IR Optronics Related Components
- 16V laser range finder
- 1535 wavelength
- Hand-held Thermal Imaging Devices
- GLA 75 75mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- high definition
- GLA 21 21mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- GLA 20 20mm f/1.1 f1.1 1.1
- DLC External Coating
- GLA 100 100mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- Security and Surveillance
- GLA 10 10mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- Infrared Continuous Zoom Lenses
- Athermalized IR lens
- Auto focus ir zoom lens
- motorized continuous zoom infrared lens
- f/1.0-1.4 f1.0 f1.4 f1.0-1.4 1.0-1.4 1.0 1.4
- GCZ 56mm 300mm 56mm-300mm 56 300 56-300
- 400mm ir zoom lens
- GCZ1040 40-400mm f/1.5 GCZ104015KD
- Infrared Continuous Zoom Lens
- infrared zoom lens tune up
- multiple fov ir lens
- 30-240mm f/4.0 30 240 4.0 f4.0 30-240
- GLA 20 20mm 1.0 f1.0 f/1.0
- infrared lens
- GLA 35 35mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- 150mm ir zoom lens
- GCZ530 30mm-150mm f/0.87-1.2 GCZ53012ZD GCZ53012
- Uncooled Camera Motorized Focus LWIR Lens
- infrared lens design
- GLE 60 60mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- Athermalized LWIR lens
- LWIR Continuous Zoom Lens
- 180mm ir zoom lens
- GCZ630 30-180mm f/0.85-1.3 GCZ63013D
- f/1.1 1.1 f1.1 GLA 4mm
- One-click Autofocus
- Focus Time≤ 6s
- customized infrared optics lenses
- Autofocus Board
- advantages of thermal imaging cameras
- GLM 50 50mm f/1.2 f1.2 1.2
- Motorized Focus LWIR Lens
- GLE 150 150mm f/1.2 f1.2 1.2
- Maritime & Naval (for Surveillance and Targeting)
- Motorized Focus IR Lens
- GLE 75 75mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- Infrared Optical Componen
- GLA 37.8mm 37.8 f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- GLM 25 25mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- thermal imaging camera health
- athermalized Lens
- GLA 25 25mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- lwir lens assembly
- GLM5410 54mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- LWIR Lens
- Continuous Zoom LWIR Lens
- infrared zoom lens
- 100mm ir zoom lens
- GCZ520 20-100mm f/0.85 f1.2 GCZ52012K GCZ52012
- 1280x1024
- Homeland Security
- GCZ530 30mm-150mm f/0.85-1.2 GCZ53012KD GCZ53012
- GCZ425 25mm 100mm f/0.8 f1.1 GCZ42511KD GCZ42511
- GCZ425 425mm GCZ 0 8 1 1
- IR Lens Glasses
- Lens Elements
- glasses lens cleaner
- Chalcogenide glasses
- silicone lenses
- Magnification 10× 10 Eye Relief 45mm 45
- Focal Length 25mm 25
- motorized continuous zoom ir lens
- GLE 210 210mm f/1.3 f1.3 1.3
- Magnification 14× 14 Focal Length 17.8mm 17.8
- Collimator
- Naval maritime ir lens
- GLA f/1.0 1.0 f1.0 10.5 10.5mm GLA10510ZSD
- Focus Time < 6s
- Thermal Imaging Cores
- Magnification 14× 14 Focal Length 18mm 18
- GCZ 25 225 25-225 0.85-1.3
- Naval maritime ir zoom lens
- Infrared optics for thermal imaging
- 25mm 225mm 25-225mm 0.85-1.3 f0.85-1.3 f0.85 f1.3
- GLM 35 35mm f/1.2 f1.2 1.2
- ir zoom lens integration
- high speed thermal imaging camera
- GLE 25 25mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0 25mm
- thermal imaging zoom lens 19mm f/1.0
- GLA 19 19mm 1.0 f1.0 f/1.0 GLA1910M34
- thermal imaging infrared lens
- GLM1510SA 15 15mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- thermal infrared lens supplier
- GLE 30 30mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- Manual Focus Lens
- Enhanced Vision ir zoom lens
- GLM75 75mm f/1.2 f1.2 1.2 GLM7512DM5
- 75mm ir zoom lens
- GCZ325 32512KD 325 12 GCZ 25 75
- GLA 15 15mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- customiz IR optics
- manual infrared lens
- GLM 4.8 4.8mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0 GLM04810
- GLE 100 100mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- GLA60 60mm f/1.0 f1.0 1.0
- infrared zoom lens
- 225mm ir zoom lens
- GCZ 25-225mm f/0.85-1.3 GCZ92513DT GCZ92513